Travel Tip: Save google map routes to IOS Notes in 3 steps!

Having walking or train/bus directions on your iPhone or iPad is almost essential while traveling to a place you've never been. At any time, you can pull up directions to a location and you're on your way.

Sometimes you know the starting point and destination in advance. For example, you'll be traveling from the train station to a hotel. With a tiny bit of effort before you arrive, you can store a link to a google maps route in IOS Notes. On arrival, just open Notes and click the link... BOOM! Instant directions.

Get Directions

On your i-device, open google maps and type in the destination or starting point, and click on the blue "Directions" box. Then, enter the other location.

If you want to see turn-by-turn directions, click on "Steps".


Click on the "hamburger" (3 dots in upper right corner); then, click on "Share directions".

Store in Notes

Choose Notes as the share.

Optionally enter some descriptive text so you can easily find the directions in Notes again. Also, when you open your Notes to search for the entry, there will be a google maps graphic next to the Note. 

When you reach your travel destination, simply open your saved directions Note and click on the link. 

Quick and easy!


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